Biodiversity and Sanctuaries
Have you ever visited a jungle? We love our Mowgli, Simba, don't we? So, protection of the real Bagheera, Simba, Bhalu is not the responsibility of the government alone. We too can do something for this. For that, we need to know what biodiversity means. What are the reasons for its destruction ? What is the need for sanctuaries and national parks ? Let's read this book and discover. Biodiversity and Sanctuaries
- ISBN : 978-93-90324-66-8
- Binding : Card Binding
- Size : 8.5"X 5.5 "
- Pages : 32
- Weight : 51
- Illustrator : Shubhangi Chetan
- First Eidtion : June 2023
- Rajhans Code : F-06-2023